Winter Weather

This past Sunday really felt like the first day of spring, it was milder, and was warm enough to sit outside, at least until the sun went back behind the clouds. It’s probably my last chance to make a blog post with all the winter images taken when it was cold and damp, as soon I’ll be thinking about warmer days and longer evenings.

I don’t actually know when spring officially starts, but according to the met office astronomical sprint starts today Wednesday 20th March in the UK. The only thing I really care about is when the clocks change, and we get that extra precious hour of daylight in the evenings.

I became a bit obsessed with this mini, and went back a couple times to get a photo in the fog and at night, this is the night version which was a 4 second exposure. I always feel the urgency when I see a burnt out car, as occasionally the council collect it the next day and it’s gone. But this was around for a week or so, which gave me ample time to go back a few times.

This is a tiny patch of grass next to the river with a bench and a big wooden crucifix, which is referred to as God’s Garden. I tried to find out a little more and came across this blog avon stories, which has some great photos of a river trip that covers this as well as lots of other Bristol river spots.

I was drawn to this by the plastic sheeting, which was draping translucently over the abandoned sofas like a ghostly veil in the mist.

This might be the last time I take a photo of this bridge, I was obsessed with capturing it in blue hour, but couldn’t resist returning in the fog.

I had to cheat with this one, I took a couple landscape and a portrait option, but I cut the top of the lamp post off in the landscape shot. With a little bit of editing trickery I was able to combine them to get the result I wanted (that I should have taken at the time)